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for your business.

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toolkit for growth-minded marketers.

Fraud prevention

Fraud prevention

Understand what is good and what’s not

Over the years, we have formed the most accurate principles and methods of fraud tracking and instant response.

Anti-fraud system

Keeping you safe

Based on analyzing the data set, identifying areas of allowable values and detecting statistical anomalies. Among other things, we have implemented speech recognition and text transcription, which allows us to produce the most accurate data during antifraud analysis, protecting our clients from fraudsters.

Anti fraud audit

Save time on fraud calls

Check up to 5,000 calls at the same time using pinging phone numbers, conversion, mobile operators ratio, phone number similarities, etc. Audit allows you to determine not only the obvious fraud, but also mixing wound calls into real ones to achieve the set targets. Thus, the anti-fraud audit allows you to identify unscrupulous sources that supply wound calls, and to exclude work with them.
