What are call States?
Every call in our system is assigned a State. You can see the States of your calls in the "State" column on the Calls Index page.
Approved - Call has been approved manually by Merchant or automatically after HOLD
HOLD - Call has met the payout conditions. You can listen to the call during the HOLD time determined by your contract, and either approve or refuse it. If no action is taken, the call will be Approved automatically after the HOLD time runs out.
Refused by Merchant - Call has been refused by Merchant. If it isn't appealed in 2 days, the call will become Refused. It won't be billable and can't be appealed.
Appealed - Call has been appealed by an Affiliate who disagrees with refusal. Appealed calls are handled by our QA team and are then either Approved or Refused.
Tarificated - Call came in when your offer is capped for the day. This happens if your offer is close to hitting the cap and more calls come in than the cap left to fill. Tarificated calls will be billed once the cap is renewed or your account is topped up.
Parsed - Call came in outside your business hours. These calls are not billed.
Non-unique/Non-first - Call came in from the same phone number. These calls are not billed.
Non-qualified - Call didn't meet the payout conditions. These calls are not billed.
Refused - Call has been refused by either Merchant or our QA team. These calls are not billed.